KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number and Place Value.
Fill in the missing numbers on the number lines lesson
Challenge 1, 2, 3
Mastery Challenges:
Figure out the pattern
Number line questions
Number line questions
Number line questions
Number line questions
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activities.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number and Place Value.
Comparing number bonds to 10 Challenge 1, 2 and 3.
Mastery Challenges 1 and 2.
In line with White Rose Hub.
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activities.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
Maths and Classroom Display Resource
Early Years, KS1 and KS2
Print and laminate to display on the wall.
Personalisable version with editable candles to write the children’s names on.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Measurement
Comparing the weight of objects using non-standard units of measurement (cubes).
Comparative sentences to be completed after the challenge.
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activity.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number.
Counting more and less:
One more and less
Two more and less
Five more and less
Ten more and less
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activity.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
Maths Support for KS1/KS2.
Word Mat to support children when counting and writing numbers one to ten.
Under the water theme.
Word doc. and PDF version.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number and Place Value.
Mastery Challenges for More and Less
Mastery Challenges:
More and less number lines
More and less beat the clock
More and less before and after
More and less missing numbers
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activities.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number and Place Value.
Counting and sorting objects in groups.
Challenges 1, 2 and 3:
Count and sort 2 groups of objects
Count and sort 3 groups of objects
Which is the larger group?
Super challenges on each activity:
Add together 2 groups to find the total
Add together 3 groups to find the total
Find the difference between the groups
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activities.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number and Place Value.
Fill in the part whole models.
Challenges 1, 2 and 3:
Fill in the parts to make the whole cutting activity
Fill in the missing part drawing activity
How many ways to make 10
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activities.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number and Place Value.
More and Less Challenges
Challenge 1, 2, 3
Counting 1 more and 1 less
Counting 2 more and 2 less
Counting 10 more and 10 less
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activities.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number and Place Value.
Mastery Starters for More and Less:
How old is Dan?
Is she/he correct?
True or false?
Who do you agree with?
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activities.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number and Place Value.
Counting the number of objects.
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activities.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Geometry.
Shape Recognition activity.
Find the 2D shapes and record them on a bar chart.
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activity.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number.
Comparing Numbers using greater than, less than and equal to symbols.
Challenge 1 and Challenge 2.
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activity.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Addition and Subtraction.
Adding numbers together:
Two one-digit numbers
One one-digit and one two-digit number
Two two-digit numbers
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activity.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
Maths and Classroom Display Resource
Early Years, KS1 and KS2
Print and laminate to display on the wall.
Interactive template for children to independently write the date.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number.
Comparing groups of objects using the words greater than, less than and equal to.
Challenge 1 and Challenge 2.
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activity.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
KS1 Maths Resource as part of Number and Place Value.
Counting more and less than a number mastery challenges.
More or less than the dice
More or less than a number
More or less- Is she correct?
More or less- Is he correct?
More or less- True or False
More or less- True or False
In line with White Rose Hub.
Can be used as a starter, main or revision activities.
Word doc. and PDF versions.
Maths Display Resources
Early years, KS1 and KS2 Maths Aid
Two designs- an ice cream cone and bowling pins
Print and laminate the resources and then display them on your maths working wall.